PhotoCube Applet

Turn the PhotoCube with the mouse pointer. Click on an image to view a closeup. Click on the closeup to dismiss it. Double-click on the closeup to view a related page.


bgColor This specifies the background color of the applet window. The value must be six hexadecimal digits. Each pair of digits controls the red, green, and blue color components, respectively.

Default value: White
bgImage This specifies an image to be used for the background of the applet window. If the image is smaller than the window, it will be tiled to fill the entire area.

Default value: The background will be a solid color.
fgColor This specifies the color of the text messages which are displayed during applet initialization. The value must be six hexadecimal digits. Each pair of digits controls the red, green, and blue color components, respectively.

Default value: Black
imageN This specifies the image to be shown on face N of the cube. N varies from 0 to 5.

Note: This is a required parameter. All six faces of the cube must be assigned images. If all images are not specified and loaded, the applet will stop and display an error message. Images may be of any dimensions, but to minimize distortion use images the same size as the applet window.
lighting This parameter lets you select the type of lighting to use. There are three types of lighting:

linear: This is a high-contrast lighting mode.
sqrt: This is a lower-contrast lighting mode.
uniform: All faces of the cube are fully lit.

Default value: Uniform.

Note: Uniform lighting gives the smoothest animation.
maxAngleStep This specifies the maximum angle (in degrees) of any single animation step. This parameter prevents the animation from becoming jumpy when the applet is run on slow computers. The value must be a positive integer.

Default value: 6

Note: Using a small value may prevent the cube from attaining its maximum rotational speed on slow computers.
maxRPM This parameter specifies the maximum rotational speed of the cube, in RPM.

Default value: 10

Note: The cube might not attain this rotation rate when the applet is run on slow computers.
stopOnSelect When the user double-clicks on a closeup image, we usually want the cube to stop rotating as a cue that the double-click has been accepted. However, under some circumstances, you might not want this default behavior. In that case, set this parameter to the value "false".

Default value: "true"
targetN This specifies the target frame where the URL associated with face N of the cube will be loaded. Possible values include:

_self ..... show in the current frame
_parent ..... show in the parent frame
_top ..... show in the top-most frame
_blank ..... show in a new unnamed top-level window
name ..... show in a new top-level window named "name"

Default value: _self.

Note: This parameter is ignored if no URL is specified for the face.
URLN This specifies the URL associated with face N of the cube. This URL will be loaded when the user double-clicks on the closeup of face N.

Default behavior: Double-clicks on the closeup of face N are ignored.
These parameters in the applet tag specify the dimensions of the applet window. The applet automatically scales to any window size, as long as the window is square. If the applet window is not square, PhotoCube will stop and display an error message.

Copyright © 1998 Edward R. Hobbs